Changes to Quick-Checks Security Awareness Service


  • Quick-Checks in the e-training section of the Security Awareness Service are now called “Quiz”.
  • Users now get immediate feedback when answering questions in the quizzes.
  • Quizzes are now available in 13 languages.
  • Quizzes now have new thumbnails related to the main courses.


  • The quiz designs have been updated.
  • There is no longer a set score required to switch from assessments to knowledge checks.
  • A specific e-training has been updated to include all missing translations.

Security Awareness Service Publication on April 2, 2024


  • Departments assigned to Security Awareness Service clients now added to simulated phishing scenarios.
  • New top-level domains added to simulated phishing scenarios.


  • For customers who have migrated to the Security Awareness Service in the Control Panel and who are not synchronized via LDAP or Microsoft 365, the department information from the former system is now transferred to the “Department” field in the basic data of the mailboxes in the Control Panel. Existing department information in the basic data will not be overwritten.
  • An error that caused faulty language/country-related links in simulated phishing scenarios has been fixed.
  • Security Awareness Service reports are now showing the correct level distribution values.

Release of New E-Trainings March 2024

The following new trainings are being released:

  • Phishing Introduction
    • Content: Phishing is one of those terms that many people may have heard but very few actually have a grasp on. One of the reasons surely is that it’s an umbrella term, and individual attack types are known by their individual names. In this course we will introduce you to what phishing is and give you an overview of the different phishing methods you might encounter.
  • Tailgating
    • Content: Cybercriminals and other bad actors don’t just target organizations digitally. Some of them are bold enough to try to sneak into office buildings, warehouses, and other restricted areas. In this training, you will learn how to spot potential attackers, how to prevent them causing any damage, and what to do when you suspect that someone unauthorized might have gained access to a restricted area.
  • Phishing & AI
    • Content: Artificial intelligence has developed significantly over the past few years. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have quickly found ways to abuse it for their malicious schemes. In this training, you will learn how cybercriminals make use of AI to improve their Spear Phishing attacks and what you can do to protect yourself against them.
  • Ransomware
    • Content: Ransomware attacks represent one of the biggest cyber threats to organizations worldwide and often result in enormous financial damage and data loss. It is a form of malware that is capable of locking screens or encrypting files and entire systems in order to demand an often large ransom for their release. In this e-training, you will learn about the characteristics of a ransomware infection, the dangers of this type of malware, and what you can do to protect yourself and your organization.
  • Dark web
    • Content: Cybercriminals have been drawn to the dark web for a long time. It is the perfect place for them to organise and execute their criminal activities in secret. In this training, you will learn more about the particularities of the dark web that make this possible and what you can do to protect yourself.
  • BEC Attacks
    • Content: A BEC attack is a social engineering scam that is becoming increasingly popular with criminals. In these scams, attackers impersonate known authorities or partners in order to convince organizations to transfer large amounts of money, change account information, or hand over confidential information. Learn more about this scam, the dangers of a successful BEC attack, and how to protect yourself and your organization in this e-training.

In the following trainings, some typos and other minor issues have been fixed:

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Vishing

The following trainings have been overhauled and received new content:

  • Bring your own device (BYOD)
  • Quick Check: Bring your own device (BYOD)

Security Awareness Service Publication on February 27, 2024


  • Besides a user’s language for the Security Awareness Service, the phishing simulation now also takes into account the user’s Control Panel language and the customer’s language as fallback languages for phishing scenarios.
  • The performance for finding applicable phishing scenarios in projects with many employees and disabled identity spoofing has been vastly improved.