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Welcome back to the Security Swarm Podcast! In this episode, our host Andy Syrewicze talks with Umut Alemdar, Head of Security Lab here at Hornetsecurity, about the reemergence of Emotet and the pervasiveness of botnets. Why does Emotet malware returns, i.e., why do they keep coming back?

Emotet is the well-known botnet that returns for spreading malware and stealing personal information. it had been dormant since December before reappearing in March 2023 with new tactics and capabilities. The Botnet has a modular architecture that allows threat actors to include any kind of payload that gets executed on the victim’s device.

Tune in to hear Andy and Umut discuss the attack chain of Emotet, how it has evolved and the risks it may pose to your organization. They also explore why botnets such as Emotet persist despite efforts to shut them down.


1:58 – What is Emotet?

6:25 – Emotet’s Attack Chain

12:20 – How do Botnets continue to return?

14:44 – How can organizations guard against botnets like Emotet?

Episode resources:

Hornetsecurity Article Regarding Emotet

Hornetsecurity CyberSecurity Roundtable Discussion

Advanced Threat Protection

Security Awareness Services

Andy on LinkedIn, Twitter, Mastadon

Umut on LinkedIn