Security Awareness Service: Phishing Reporter Changes January 2025
- A problem that occured on low resolution screens has been fixed. For users that have low resolution screens the Phishing Reporter now has a scrollbar so that every user can access the report button.
- Improved error messages have been added.
- A bug where the Phishing Reporter sporadically reported emails that were not part of the Security Awareness Service has been fixed.
- A bug where users with a customized User Panel were not redirected to their customized User Panel has been fixed.
- From now on, all reported emails that are not part of the Security Awareness Service will always be sent to the corresponding administrator as an .eml file.
- A bug where the Phishing Reporter failed to recognize emails from the Security Awareness Service and redirected those emails to the corresponding administrator has been fixed.
Notice: No reinstallation of the Phishing Reporter is necessary in order for the above changes to take effect.