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Control Panel Version
- Under “Security Awareness Service” > “E-Training”, the table for the Awareness Engine has been redesigned.
- Under “Security Awareness Service” > Configuration” > “Position”, the table has been redesigned.
- Under “Security Settings” > “Email Authentication”, the tables have been redesigned.
- Under “Security Settings” > “Compliance Filter”, the tables have been redesigned.
- Under “Service Dashboard” > “LDAP connections” > “Test LDAP sync”, the table has been redesigned.
- An issue that occurred when emails as spam or info mail has been fixed.
- An issue that occurred marking emails as public has been fixed.
- Under “User Panel” > “Your feedback”, UTF8 is now supported.
- In the “Service Dashboard” module, an error after changing the scope selection has been fixed.
- In the “Email Live Tracking” module, the action to mark an email as private is now available in the actions underneath an email.
- In Control Panel, some contrasts have been adjusted to improve readability.
- Under “Reporting & Compliance” > “Auditing 2.0”, a button to refresh the filters has been added.
- Under “Security Awareness Service > “Statistics” > “E-Training”, an issue with loading the “Users in booster training” statistics has been fixed.
- Under “Email Live Tracking” > “Add sender to allow list and deliver email”, an issue with closing the pop up dialog has been fixed.
- Under “Security Awareness Service > “Statistics” > “E-Training”, an issue with the displayed statistic when selecting a filter has been fixed.
- Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Statistics” > “Export as CSV“, an issue with organization-wide results has been fixed.
- In “Archiving Audit Access”, an issue with the missing date column has been fixed.
- Under “Service Dashboard” > “Secondary environment”, an issue with the page selector has been fixed.
- Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Statistics” > “Phishing”, an issue regarding the statistics results has been fixed.