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Welcome back for another episode of the Security Swarm Podcast, the podcast that brings you the insights and expertise straight from the Security Lab here at Hornetsecurity. In this episode, we’ll be diving into recent security disclosures with Eric Siron, Microsoft MVP, and discussing how organizations should respond when vulnerabilities are discovered.

We’ll focus on two major incidents as examples throughout this episode; the Outlook Vulnerability CVE-2023-23397, and the re-emergence of Emotet.

In today’s digital landscape, threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, making it critical to respond quickly and efficiently minimize the impact of such incidents. Whether you’re a SysAdmin working in a small organization or the CISO of a large business, you have to be more vigilant, and have a plan.

Tune in to learn valuable insights into how tech professionals should handle security news.


3:16 – A baseline example of a busy security news-cycle

8:00 – Keeping an eye on the security news-cycle and has it always been this way?

17:45 – What should organizations be doing to keep tabs on the security news-cycle?

23:21 – What can vendors be doing better to help SysAdmins handle security news?

Episode resources:


The Re-Emergence of Emotet

Hornetsecurity July 2022 Threat Review with Talk of Qakbot

White House to Shift Cybersecurity Burden

Andy on LinkedIn, Twitter, Mastadon

Eric on Twitter