IT Pro Tuesday #327
Welcome back to IT Pro Tuesday!
We’re looking for favorite tips and tools we can share with the community… those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we’ll be featuring them in the coming weeks.
Now on to this week’s list!
A Free Tool
Oxidized is a network device configuration backup tool that serves as a RANCID replacement. It’s lightweight and extensible, with support for more than 90 OS types. Appreciated by MScoutsDCI, who explains, “We used to use Rancid and every time we needed to set it up from scratch, it was a nightmare that took tons of trial and error before we got it working. We switched to Oxidized, it was a breeze to set up, and the UI is way better than rancid also.”

A Training Resource
SAINTCON showcases expert presentations from the Utah chapter of the Security Advisory and Incident Network Team’s annual conference on tech security instruction and training. Topics covered are targeted toward all levels of security training from the fundamentals all the way to advanced techniques. Our thanks for this recommendation go to bingedeleter.

Another Free Tool
Sipcalc is a simple, advanced ip calculator that offers support for both IPv4 and IPv6. Our appreciation for directing us to this one goes to IDownVoteCanaduh, who says, “I use Sipcalc a lot. “

A Website
This Week in Self-Hosted offers a weekly e-mail newsletter summarizing the latest self-hosting developments, occasional blog articles, a directory of self-hosted applications and software, and a podcast that features interviews with self-hosted developers and content creators. A favorite of airclay.

A Tip
A timesaving tip, courtesy of timsstuff:
“I can’t even count the number of times I’ve shadowed another IT person on a client PC trying to install software and do a bunch of admin tasks, with never-ending UAC prompts where they have to enter their admin creds a thousand times.
I have to tell them bro, just open one admin Powershell window and launch everything from there. One UAC prompt and you’re done.”
P.S. Bonus Free Tools
Uptime Kuma is a fast, reactive, self-hosted monitoring tool along the lines of Uptime Robot. Monitors uptime for HTTP(s)/TCP/HTTP(s) Keyword/Ping/DNS Record/Push/Steam Game, with notifications available through over 70 different services. Servercocomac42 likes that “it can do pings, http requests, tcp requests, can do 2FA, and can have a public dashboard showing what is up. It also can do notifications when something goes down.”
Network Automation Landscape provides a collection of resources that are intended to make it easier for those getting started with network automation. And for the more-experienced automation enthusiasts out there, it’s a quick way to find some nice new tools for the toolkit! Kindly suggested by steinno.