IT Pro Tuesday #318
Welcome back to IT Pro Tuesday!
In the latest Security Swarm Podcast: “Egregious Security Practices in the Workplace,” we talk about the worst workplace security practices we’ve seen. From weak password policies to unsecured devices and poor data management, you’ll hear real-life stories and insights that will make you cringe—and hopefully inspire you to tighten up your organization’s security posture.
We’re looking for favorite tips and tools we can share with the community… those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we’ll be featuring them in the coming weeks.
Now on to this week’s list!
A Free Tool
DANE SMTP Validator is a quick online resource that can help with inspection and validation of the DANE TLSA records for the inbound SMTP of a domain. DrizzlySyrup reports it to be “Great for testing DANE.”

A tutorial
SSL, TLS, HTTPS Explained is a concise video from the authors of the popular “System Design Interview” books that breaks down how these key client/server certificate protocols work. but_you_did_die recommends it as a great resource to help you understand certificates.

Another free tool
RawHTTP is a fast, safe approach that can help with the investigation of suspicious links. Just submit the questionable link, and the site will look it up and show what the destination page looks like, along with its HTTP information. Appreciation for this recommendation goes to BackupFailed.

Yet another free tool
AutoIt is a BASIC-like scripting language for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It automates tasks through a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation. A favorite of gordonv.

a Tip
Sunsparc kindly shares a favorite command for message trace with local time:
Get-MessageTrace | Select @{Label=””Received””;E={(Get-Date $_.Received).ToLocalTime()}}
P.S. Bonus Free Tools
SS64 is a web-based reference guide for syntax and examples of the most-common database and OS computing commands. Recommended by asksstupidstuff for help in learning how to work with PowerShell.
WinDirStat is an open-source, graphical disk-usage analysis viewer and cleanup tool for MS Windows that offers a sub-tree view with disk-use percent and a list of file extensions ordered by usage. Kindly recommended by Wolfram_And_Hart.