ESI Benchmark Report

ESI® – Employee Security Index Benchmark Report

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What to expect:

Most cyber attacks target the weakest link in a company, their employees, because ultimately even the most technically secure systems and tools are only as secure as the prudency users handle them with.

But how well does the “human firewall” work in your company? Do your employees recognise phishing attacks or do they blindly click on all attachments and links sent to them? With the patented Employee Security Index (ESI®), Hornetsecurity has developed a scientifically based benchmark to measure and monitor security awareness in companies. For this purpose, simulated spear phishing attacks with different levels of difficulty are sent to employees and the reactions to them are analyzed, considering the type and level of the attack.

In the brand new ESI® Benchmark Report Edition 2023, around 1.7 million simulated spear phishing attacks on employees in companies of all sizes and industries were evaluated. The results not only provide an insight into the current security behavior of employees, but also offer important recommendations for further proceedings.


simulated spear phishing attacks

Learn about:

  • How global fraud gangs actively operate
  • How the ESI® helps to reliably measure the security behavior of employees and throughout the company
  • The average time after which companies reach an acceptable level of security and how they can sustain it
  • What happens when employees interrupt Security Awareness Training for an extended period of time
  • Which – from the attackers’ perspective – are the most successful phishing scenarios and which psychological tricks they use
  • Best practices for optimizing the security awareness of your employees
  • What are the decisive factors for a sustainable Security Awareness Training?
ESI Benchmark Report 2023

The ESI® Benchmark Report 2023 is essential reading for CISOs and anyone concerned with enterprise cybersecurity. Stay one step ahead of hackers and learn how to best protect your organization today!