IT Pro Tuesday #336

Written by Hornetsecurity / 28.01.2025 /
Home » Blog » IT Pro Tuesday #336

Welcome back to IT Pro Tuesday!

We’re looking for your favorite tips and tools we can share with the community… those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we’ll be featuring them in the coming weeks.

Now on to this week’s list!

A Must-Have Tool for Sysadmins and Power Users

Bash-it is a powerful toolkit designed for sysadmins and power users who rely on the Bash shell. This community-driven collection of commands, scripts, aliases, and themes simplifies your workflow while keeping your .bashrc file and ~/bin directory clean. With features like autocompletion, custom functions, and visually appealing themes, Bash-it enhances productivity and streamlines repetitive tasks. Inspired by oh-my-zsh, it provides a solid framework for developing and maintaining scripts and commands. If you’re managing complex systems or just love optimizing your terminal, Bash-it is the perfect tool to supercharge your Bash experience.

A Critical Monitoring Tool

Sysmon is an essential tool for Windows sysadmins, providing persistent monitoring and logging of system activity via the Windows event log. It offers detailed insights into process creation, network connections, and file creation time changes, enabling a deeper understanding of system events. While Sysmon doesn’t analyze events or hide itself from attackers, its robust logging capabilities make it indispensable for strengthening network security and improving incident response.

The Ultimate Tool to Supercharge Your Terminal

Oh My Zsh is a free, open-source framework designed to manage your Zsh shell configuration effortlessly. But it’s more than just functional—it’s fun! Packed with hundreds of plugins and stunning themes, it transforms your terminal into a powerhouse of productivity and style. Whether you’re streamlining workflows or simply impressing your coworkers with a gorgeous command prompt, Oh My Zsh makes your shell feel smarter and more capable. While it won’t make you a “10x developer,” it’ll definitely save you time—and who knows? You might finally have time to pick up flossing.


For nearly two decades, Hak5 has been a trusted name in advancing the InfoSec industry, fueled by a deep love for technology. Since 2005, this award-winning platform has brought tech experts together through engaging podcasts, innovative pen-testing tools, and a vibrant, inclusive community. As the longest-running show on YouTube, Hak5 continues to inspire and educate, welcoming all who share a passion for cybersecurity.

A blog for simplifying admin tasks with Powershell

Faris the SysAdmin is a blog dedicated to simplifying admin tasks and solving issues with the power of PowerShell. Faris is passionate about sharing knowledge, believing it’s the key to growth and learning for everyone. As technology rapidly evolves, he strives to contribute to the community by offering solutions, insights, and tutorials. Through this blog, Faris invites readers to join him on a journey of automation, problem-solving, and continuous learning in the ever-changing world of IT.


Drawing on nearly 30 years of experience, the Wahl Network Podcast shares valuable insights on platform design, cloud architecture, and effective team building. Whether listeners are seasoned professionals or just beginning their careers, the podcast offers stories that inform, inspire, and empower their journeys in navigating the evolving world of modern systems. Join in for engaging discussions that can help shape their understanding and approach to the industry!

A unique browser-based game by Moniker and VPRO that examines online behavior. When users visit Click Click Click, they’re met with a simple white screen and a single green button. As you click, your actions are tracked and compared to those of previous visitors, generating humorous judgments from a narrating voice. This interactive experience invites players to reflect on the transparency of their online behavior and the reality of data monetization, sparking important discussions on privacy. Game on!