Security Awareness Service: neue Phishing-Simulationen ab 10.01.25
Wir ergänzen die folgenden Phishing-Simulationen ab dem 10.01.25 (nur auf Englisch):
E-Mail-Betreff | Kurzbeschreibungen | Beschreibung |
Action Required: Your Recent Contest Entry | Claim your prize | User is invited to claim a prize because is won a contest |
You’re Invited: Team Grill Party! | Team Grill Party | User is invited to a team grill party with the CEO |
Update required for your administrative file | Administrative file update | Administrative file update User need to update his administrative file |
Please check your subscription | Subscription verification | Users must check their subscription to avoid being blocked |
Thank you for your loyalty {{receiver.EMail}} | lphone 15 discount | A 30% discount is applied on lphone 15 |
Document shared with you by {{colleague.GivenName}} {{colleague.FamilyName}} | Droplox document received | A colleague of the user shared a document on Droplox |
Please, sign this document | Document to sign | User received a document to sign |
Important – damaged vehicle | damaged vehicle | a vehicle was damaged in the company car park |
Football Competition 2025 Ticket Confirmation | Free tickets for a football event | The user received free tickets for a football event and need to secure them |
Song Contest 2025 Ticket Confirmation | Free tickets for a song contest | The user received free tickets for a song contest and need to secure them |
URGENT: I need to talk to you | The CEO allegedly need to speak with the user | The user received a email allegedly sent by the CEO and need to book a slot to talk with him |
Spotifi expiration! | User need to renew Spotifi | The premium Spotifi account of the user is expired and he need to renew it by clicking a link. |