Hornetsecurity Partner Portal


Dates and Trainings

Our additional training offer to you!

Our trainings take place regularly and serve to facilitate your introduction to our services or to refresh and enhance existing knowledge. Find suitable training opportunities now!

Sales basics & training: Hornetsecurity Product Specialist


Hornetsecurity Product Specialist

This online training provides the basic sales knowledge needed to successfully sell Hornetsecurity services and is a prerequisite for qualification to become a Silver Partner or higher. Fill out the registration form and choose a suitable date. We will send you an e-mail with the login data.

Currently no dates are available

You need a higher partner level to access this content. Please contact your partner account manager for more information.



Technical basics & training: Webinars, modular video training & on-site courses

Hornetsecurity Technical Basics Webinar

You can register for the technical basics webinars here.


Modular video training

Take advantage of our basic technical training via video. These YouTube videos are organized by theme and explain the technical basics for the configuration of Hornetsecurity Services and offer the knowledge base for qualification as a Silver Partner.

You can access the video list via the following Link.


On-site courses

To complete the technical training to become a Certified Engineer and Solution Architect, an on-site course is required. This takes place either through Hornetsecurity or through our distributors ADN and acmeo. To participate in one of the dates shown below, please fill out the form.

We consider the selection of a training course offered by Hornetsecurity as a binding commitment. If you choose a training course that is carried out by one of our distribution partners, we will forward it to them and you will be contacted shortly.

Technical basics & training: Hornetsecurity Certified Engineer

Hornetsecurity Certified Engineer

Technical certification training for Gold and Platinum Partner.

Contents: This two-day course provides the necessary basic knowledge for the configuration and administration of Hornetsecurity E-Mail and Web Security Services. Participation in this training (alternatively in Certified Solution Architect) is a prerequisite for qualification to the Gold and Platinum levels.

Detailed course description: Download PDF

Costs: 250 EUR / 225 GBP / 300 USD online classroom p.p. plus statutory VAT

You need a higher partner level to access this content. Please contact your partner account manager for more information.



Technical basics & training: Hornetsecurity Solution Architect

Hornetsecurity Solution Architect

Technical certification training for Gold and Platinum Partner.

Prerequisite for the participation in this training is the participation in the Certified Engineer training within the last 12 months.

Contents: This two-day advanced course provides expert knowledge in the areas of encryption, ATP & malware, 365 Total Protection and other services. This course is aimed at graduates of the Certified Engineer course. Participation in this training (alternatively in the Certified Engineer course) is a prerequisite for qualification to the Gold and Platinum partner levels.

Costs: 250 EUR online classroom p.p. plus statutory VAT

Currently no dates are available

This area is visible from partner level „Registered Partner/Service Provider“.



Security Awareness Service: 45 Minute Guide To Strengthening The Human Firewall

What’s the weakest link in any organization’s defense? Weak IT security, vulnerable, creaking IT or firewalls that are lacking? The answer is closer to home for us all. Phishing – and other security threats via communications channels – are a rapidly worsening problem for businesses across the world. Hornetsecurity just analyzed 25 billion (yes, we did say billion) emails, identifying an annual net increase in global phishing attempts of 15%. Phishing is now an established practice that attempts to trick end-user employees into divulging sensitive information such as usernames and passwords in an attempt to gain further access inside the organization. Targeted phishing threats are particularly adept at evading security software, so strengthening the “human firewall” for employees has become more important, and more personal, than ever.


In this meeting, suitable for anyone interested in Cyber Security or provision of cyber defenses, Hornetsecurity takes you through the essential practices that should be included in any End User Security Awareness policy. Including:


  1. Real life examples of reducing the risk of a successful breach when you empower employees with a sustainable cyber culture.
  2. How human factors must also be included in cyber defense, considering appropriate responses; optimal training windows and creating a cyber culture delivered in an informal way so that end-users equally invest in the process.
  3. How a forceful cyber security cadence will not meet your ongoing cultural goals
  4. How AI-powered e-training can heighten awareness of cyber security risks and roll out best responses to the latest risks, super-fast!


Watch Now!