We’re happy that you are using our Security Awareness Demo Tool! On this page you get a first impression of the training sessions, videos, quizzes and phishing simulations. The Security Awareness Service itself offers even more trainings, more content and a lot of statistics to monitor the status of employees training levels.
PLEASE NOTE: To provide you the best experience with our phishing simulations and make sure you are receiving all the test mails, you might need to whitelist Hornetsecurity. Read our FAQ for whitelisting here.
You can start an e-training by clicking on it.
We recommend using headphones or speakers for the best experience. Alternatively, you can turn on subtitles in the program.
Training Videos
There are different methods that can trigger a user into clicking on a phishing mail. Our Phishing scenarios are designed to the companies employees, scenarios ranging from occasional questions to specific requests from “colleagues”.
If you’re interested in seeing what happens, after a user clicks on a malicious link, check out the most teachable moment for the respective scenario.

The most teachable moment shows up as soon as a user clicks a link or attachment of a simulated phishing email. The user can see step by step where the indicators for the phishing mail could have been found. Click through the gallery below to see one of our most teachable moments.